6th Annual Helsinki Summer Session: Geostrategic Competition in the fields of Connectivity and Infrastructure

invitation only · Mirror room, hotel Kämp (Kluuvikatu 2), Helsinki · 28.08.2019 15:00 - 17:00

invitation only

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) focuses on infrastructure development and investments in over 80 countries, including in Europe. The initiative has been increasingly attracting attention and even causing concern at regional as well as global levels. It is occasionally seen as being at the core of China’s geo-economic and geostrategic attempt to establish a Sinocentric regional order. Even so, there are calls for a precise definition of the initiative, both in terms of the resources invested, as well as those projects that explicitly fall under the BRI banner. Is criticism of Chinafunded connectivity projects justified, and are fears of China’s growing political influence in Europe warranted? How should Europe respond following the EU’s own connectivity strategy of September 2018? Will the future be marked by competition or cooperation with China?


Xing Li

Professor, Aalborg University

Ville Varjola

Ministerial Adviser, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Gudrun Wacker

Senior Fellow, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik

Julie Chen

Professor, University of Helsinki


Mika Aaltola

US domestic and foreign affairs, great power relations, Finnish foreign and security policy, global governance
