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FIIA Snapshots
FIIA Snapshots: Return of Donald Trump The return of Donald Trump as President of the United States has been received with a mixture of acute trepidation and wild excitement. Regardless of what one thinks about Trump in political terms, it is clear that
FIIA Climate Briefing: Ilmastodiplomatia suurvaltakilpailun puristuksessa
Ilmastonmuutosta on jo yli 30 vuotta pyritty ratkaisemaan diplomatian ja ulkopolitiikan areenoilla. YK:n ilmastosopimusten puitteissa neuvotellaan tiukoissa ja usein yliajalle venyvissä kokouksissa, kuten viimeksi marraskuussa Bakussa. Toisaalta
European security order in transition – National OSCE Research network
The research network coordinated by FIIA aims to advance research on European security, the security order, and the OSCE, both in Finland and across Europe. The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, established in Helsinki in 1975, has played
The resilience of liberal democracy in Finland
The resilience of liberal democracy in Finland (RESLIDE) project evaluates the resilience of liberal democracy in Finland and propose solutions to safeguard it. It will study commitment to democratic norms among citizens, politicians, and public
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FIIA sends out a newsletter via email once a week. The newsletter provides information about the Institute’s new publications, upcoming events, event recordings, and other topical issues. The content of the newsletter is mainly in English but includes
The future of EU enlargement: Views from Helsinki, Stockholm and Vienna
It has been 30 years since Austria, Finland and Sweden organised their respective European Union (EU) referendums that led to the accession of the three countries in 1995. Now enlargement is back as a major issue on the EU’s agenda. However, different
Great power competition in the 21st century: More than a buzzword?
The notion of great power competition has become a new term of art to describe the fraying relations between the key powers in the international order, not only in terms of the pivotal US-China-Russia triangle, but also more broadly. There is, however,