The North Korean Conundrum: International Responses and Future Challenges

Endast inbjudna · Kansallissali, Aleksanterinkatu 44, Helsinki · 12.10.2017 10:00 - 12:00

Endast inbjudna

The North Korean threat for global security is growing. The pace and intensity of North Korea’s military technological development have surprised pundits and scholars worldwide, with regional actors perceiving that the development had entered a new phase after the sixth nuclear test and successful launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Although the frozen conflict on the Korean Peninsula is old, international community has been unable to reconcile it. Different great powers, regional actors and scholarly communities perceive the North Korea problem and range of available solutions very differently, which does not help in forming a coherent policy. How could the North Korean conundrum be solved? Has North Korea been able to reform its economy enough to allow regime survival despite ever toughening international sanctions? How does shadow economy influence North Korea’s closed society?
The seminar is held in conjunction with the publishing of the report ”The North Korean Conundrum: International Responses and Future Challenges”. The report is jointly funded by FIIA and the Korea Foundation.


Opening remarks:

Teija Tiilikainen

Director, the Finnish Institute of International Affairs
The North Korean Conundrum_Teija Tiilikainen

Keynote presentation: Shadow economy in North Korea

Hyong-min Joo

Professor in Political Science and International Relations, Korea University
The North Korean Conundrum_Hyung-Min Joo_12102017

Presentation of the FIIA report: The North Korean conundrum: International responses and future challenges

Elina Sinkkonen

Senior Research Fellow, the Finnish Institute of International Affairs
The North Korean Conundrum_Elina Sinkkonen


Comment from the media: The rocket man’s logic: too loud and clear to be understood?

Hannu Pesonen

Foreign News Writer
The North Korean Conundrum_Hannu Pesonen


Katja Creutz

tf. Biträdande direktör, programdirektör, chefredaktör (Ulkopolitiikka-tidskrift)

Folkrätt, speciellt ansvarsfrågor; mänskliga rättigheter; global styrning.

The North Korean Conundrum_Katja Creutz