
Gröna investeringsscheman i EU

13 december 2010

Green investment schemes in the EU: lessons for future mechanisms and prospects beyond 2012 side event was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic in the UN climate negotiations in Cancun on Saturday 4 December.
This side event compared the Green Investment Schemes (GIS) arrangements of selected EU Member States and discussed the prospects for these schemes continuing beyond 2012. Lessons were discussed with both AAU seller and buyers country representatives and analysts, especially on the issues of transparency of GIS deals, additionality, and potential continuation of similar activities beyond 2012.
Olga Gassan-zade, PointCarbon:
Future of GIS and national interests (pdf)
Anna Korppoo, FIIA:
Comparison of GIS in selected new EU member states (pdf)
Pavel Zamyslicky, Czech Ministry of the Environment:
Contribution of the GIS to low carbon development in the Czech Republic (pdf)

Leszek Karski, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University:
Flexibility Mechanisms in Poland – legal aspect (pdf)

Helmut Hojesky, the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management:
Views from GIS buyer

