
FIIA’s Scientific Council: publications by FIIA researchers of high international quality

15 juni 2023

The Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) has carried out a review of FIIA’s publications for the 2020-2022 programme period.

According to the Scientific Council’s evaluation, FIIA’s scientific publications are of excellent quality and of high international standard. The reviewers even ranked the publications by FIIA researchers in the top 10% of scientific publications in Europe. The evaluation found that the publications of researchers are easily accessible, and FIIA’s webinars provide excellent support for the presentation of new research.

The evaluation pointed out, that FIIA’s publications serve well the needs of Finns and Europeans for reliable information and analysis, and more widely. However, FIIA was encouraged to do more marketing to increase the international visibility of its publications.

According to the evaluators, the topics covered in FIIA’s publications are topical and timely. They are also relevant and interesting – not only from a Finnish perspective, but also for a wider audience. FIIA’s publications were considered to bring added value and new perspectives to the current foreign policy debate.

The publications reviewed were selected from FIIA’s own publication series and included an equal number of publications from the Institute’s different research programmes. The evaluation also included publications by FIIA’s researchers in external publication series, including books, edited volume chapters and journal articles. The evaluation questionnaire was also sent to a group of FIIA’s stakeholders in Finland, including the Parliament, ministries, media, and Finnish universities.

FIIA’s Board has appointed a Scientific Advisory Council for the period 2021-2023 to advise on the planning of the Institute’s research activities, monitor the quality and impact of the Institute’s activities and support its international activities. Members of the Scientific Advisory Council are top international researchers in the field.

Further information:

Professor Mark N. Katz
Chair of FIIA’s Scientific Advisory Council
Tel. + 1 (703) 850 7628

Director Mika Aaltola
Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Tel. +358 9 432 7701
