Conflict dynamics in Africa: Ways and means of prevention

31.5.2022 16:00 - 17:30

From the Sahel to the Horn of Africa and Southern Africa, armed conflicts continue to challenge the development and political stability of many African societies. While they may often receive little nuanced public attention in Europe and Finland, such conflicts are complex and shaped by a variety of local, regional, and international conflict management and prevention efforts. The Finnish Institute of International Affairs and the New Foreign Policy Society in Finland (NUPS) are delighted to invite you to a timely discussion on Conflict Dynamics in Africa: Ways and means of prevention. The seminar’s key presentation will be given by the President and CEO of the International Crisis Group (ICG), Dr Comfort Ero, who will share her reflections on the continent’s peace and conflict dynamics and the challenges and opportunities for conflict prevention. 



Opening words
Katja Creutz, Programme Director, FIIA

Comfort Ero, President & CEO, ICG

Liselott Lindström, Freelance Journalist, SVT
Katariina Mustasilta, Leading Researcher, FIIA

Pär Stenbäck, Director, the New Foreign Policy Society in Finland (NUPS)


Katja Creutz
Programme Director, FIIA
Picture of Comfort Ero
DR Comfort Ero
President & CEO, ICG
Liselott Lindström
Freelance Journalist, SVT
Katariina Mustasilta
Katariina Mustasilta
Leading Researcher, FIIA
Pär Stenbäck
Director, the New Foreign Policy Society in Finland (NUPS)


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