FIIA Climate Briefing #7

24.5.2022 17:30 - 18:30

IPCC Climate Change Reports 2022: 
The climate crisis and its (geo)political dimension


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has published three new reports during the spring of 2022, all further reinforcing our understanding of the devastating impacts climate change will have and the urgency to mitigate them. All parts of the world will be affected, and about half of the global population live in areas that are highly vulnerable to climate change. Food and water security will be threatened and the stability of societies increasingly challenged as climate change advances. Fast and determined mitigation efforts will be needed to ensure that the rise in average global temperature will remain well below 2 degrees Celsius, as was stated in the Paris Agreement in 2015.

What do the IPCC reports tell us about current and future scenarios of climate change? What are the consequences of climate change in terms of geopolitics and human security, and what mitigation and adaptation measures are envisaged by the IPCC?


Taylor Dimsdale picture
Taylor Dimsdale
Director of Risk and Resilience Program, E3G
Marco Siddi
Senior Research Fellow, FIIA
Emma Hakala
Senior Research Fellow, FIIA


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