FIIA Day: Saving the Liberal World Order

Auditorium of the Annex Building of the Parliament, Arkadiankatu 3, Helsinki
5.3.2018 14:00 - 16:00

The liberal world order is under increasing pressure. It is not only challenged by the emerging powers with their different societal values and highly state-centric approach to international politics. The challenges originate equally in the sharp polarization of Western societies, manifest in disagreements over the merits of globalization and internationalization. With the US under Donald Trump’s presidency taking a more hesitant stance towards the values underpinning the liberal order, the EU’s responsibility for nurturing the common Western political heritage is growing. Is the EU prepared for this task and capable of assuming such leadership? What does it require from the Union in terms of new strategic approaches and partnerships? What has to be done to convince the world of the EU’s credibility and resolve to protect its own founding values globally?


Teija Tiilikainen
Director, the Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Kare Halonen
State Secretary, EU Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office
Matti Anttonen
Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Jukka Snell
Professor of European Law, University of Turku


Arkady Moshes
Programme Director, the Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Tuuli Koivu
Eurozone and China Economist, Nordea


Teija Tiilikainen
Direktör; chefredaktör, tidskiften Ulkopolitiikka



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