
FIIA FORUM 2025: The key challenges and direction of Finnish foreign and security policy

3.4.2025 14:00 - 17:30

Finland’s geostrategic position is challenging. The relationship between internal and external security is ever more intertwined, and the line between a state of full peace and a state of war is increasingly blurred. International dependencies in areas such as economy and technology are used as tools of power politics in ways that challenge Finland’s well-being and sense of security. The international rule-based order is challenged, and claims for spheres of influence by great powers are becoming more frequent.

The security situation may continue to deteriorate rapidly, and even the use of military force against Finland cannot be ruled out. Finland has recently published several key strategic documents in the field of national security that explicate the strategic direction of Finland’s foreign and security policy in this era of risks and uncertainty. The event discusses both the changing security environment and the Finnish responses to it: What kind of a strategic direction emerges from this interplay?


14:00 – 15:30
Session I: Kuinka Suomi turvataan?

Hiski Haukkala, johtaja, Ulkopoliittinen instituutti

presidentti Sauli Niinistö

Outi Holopainen, alivaltiosihteeri, ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka, ulkoministeriö
Harri Mikkola, ohjelmajohtaja, Ulkopoliittinen instituutti
Heljä Ossa, Research Fellow, London School of Economics
Matti Pesu, vanhempi tutkija, Ulkopoliittinen instituutti

Moderaattori: Iro Särkkä, vanhempi tutkija, Ulkopoliittinen instituutti


16:00 – 17:30
Session II: Under Trump, whither (Northern) European Security?

Panel discussion:
Hiski Haukkala, Director, FIIA
Kristi Raik, Director, ICDS
Mike Winnerstig, Head, Department of International Security Policy, Swedish Defence Research Agency

Moderator: Sinikukka Saari, Leading Researcher, FIIA

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