The Institute’s vacancies are published on FIIA’s own pages and on the Finnish Government’s job search service uuteen ikkunaan
Currently open vacancies
We are looking for students interested in international relations to support the work at the Institute. The Institute will hire two (2) interns for the summer of 2025 to work as research assistants. The internships will take place from 1 June until 31 August.
We expect the applicant to be prepared to perform a wide variety of tasks, to take initiative, to be able to coordinate their own work and to be thorough. We expect you to be fluent in English. Skills in other languages can be considered as an advantage.
We offer you an interesting and international working environment with varied tasks as well as support and possibilities to develop your own skills.
The first research assistant will be placed at the European Union and strategic competition programme. An interest in the EU and research should be demonstrated in the applicant’s studies.
The second research assistant will be placed at the Finnish Foreign Policy, Northern European Security and NATO research programme. An interest in Finnish Foreign Policy, security and defence studies, NATO and research should be demonstrated in the applicant’s studies. The applicant should state in the application which position they are applying for.
The salary is 1 800 e/month. In your application you must confirm that you have been granted or that you are entitled to a traineeship subsidy or a scholarship. The student shall in the application note how the internship is financed. Applications which do not meet the requirements will not be taken into consideration.
You can apply to the positions at the website valtiolle.fiavautuu uuteen ikkunaan or by post (Finnish Institute for International Affairs, P.O. Box 425, 00101 Helsinki). The application includes an application letter and a CV. The deadline for the applications is April 4th, 2025, at 16.15 (EEST). Applications that are late will be ignored. Applications and attachments will not be returned.
More information about the internship: Project Manager Marie-Louise Hindsberg, +358 9 432 77 12, Tue 11.3., 13-14 and Tue 18.3, 10-11
Get to know FIIA’s personnel through our Instagram series “People of FIIA” hereavautuu uuteen ikkunaan.