The Finnish Institute of International Affairs employs around 70 people who work as researchers and in administrative tasks. The institute is led by Director Hiski Haukkala, and the Deputy Director is Katja Creutz. The researchers of FIIA can be found in the Researchers page. Information on the rest of the staff can be found on the Contacts page.
The activities of the institute are supervised and steered by a board appointed by the Finnish Parliament. The board decides, among other things, on the institute’s finances and programme, which is carried out by FIIA’s researchers in accordance with the principles of scientific autonomy. The board also appoints the director of the institute.
Advisory Board
The Finnish Institute of International Affairs has an Advisory Board which monitors the institute’s activities, maintains contacts with key reference groups and tracks the social impact of the institute’s activities. The Advisory Board is appointed by the Administration Committee of the Finnish Parliament and its term of office is four years.
Members of the Advisory Board of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (6.10.2023–31.5.2027):
Scientific Advisory Council
The institute has a Scientific Advisory Council, which has a term of office of three years. The council guides the institute in the planning of research activities, monitors the quality and effectiveness of the activities and supports the international activities of FIIA.
Members of the Scientific Advisory Council:
Director Rosa Balfour
Carnegie Europe
Professor Eiki Berg
Tartu University
Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and International Organization, Director, Anu Bradford
The European Legal Studies Center, Columbia Law School
Professor Shaun Breslin
University of Warwick
Director of Research Division Florence Gaub
NATO Defence College
UN Director Richard Gowan
International Crisis Group
CEO Kristian Fischer
KFISCH Consultancy
Director Jakob Hallgren
Swedish Institute for International Affairs (UI)
Professor Mark N. Katz
George Mason University (Chair of the SAC 2021-2023)
Research Professor Timo Koivurova
Arctic Center, University of Lapland
Member of the board Andrei Kolesnikov
Yegor Gaidar Foundation
Senior Research Fellow, Senior Researcher and Director of the SIPRI European Security Programme Barbara Kunz
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Deputy Rector for Internationalization and Professor in International Relations Raffaele Marchetti
The Department of Political Science and the School of Government, LUISS
Head of College Rory Medcalf
National Security College, The Australian National University
Director, President of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies Amrita Narlikar
German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
Chair & Distinguished Fellow Mike Sfraga
Polar Institute; Chair, US Arctic Research Commission
Professor Steve Tsang
The School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London (SOAS)