
The basic funding for FIIA's operations comes from the Parliament. In addition, many partners fund FIIA's research projects.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland aims to advance the security and welfare of Finland and the Finnish people as well as promote a secure and fair world. To achieve its goals, the Ministry funds projects by non-governmental organisations, state institutions, institutions of higher education, and enterprises for example. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland is led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
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The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation
The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation is a private Finnish foundation whose main objective is to promote top-level research, especially in the fields of medicine, technology and economics. The Foundation funds projects that can compete in the global field. Each year, the Foundation grants over 20–30 million euros in research funding.
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Business Finland
Business Finland edistää suomalaisten yritysten ja tutkimusryhmien yhteistyötä ja kansainvälistymistä. Organisaatiossa työskentelee Suomessa ja kansainvälisesti yhteensä lähes 800 asiantuntijaa. Business Finland on osa Team Finland -verkostoa. Business Finland tarjoaa rahoitusta tutkimukseen, tuotekehitykseen ja monenlaisiin liiketoiminnan kehittämisen tarpeisiin erityisesti pienille ja keskisuurille yrityksille. Suuret yritykset ja tutkimusorganisaatiot voivat saada rahoitusta yhteisiin projekteihin pk-yritysten kanssa.
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Strategisen tutkimuksen neuvoston logo
Strategic Research Council
The Strategic Research Council (SRC) is an indepedent body within the Research Council of Finland, established in 2022. It provides funding to long-term and programme-based research aimed at finding solutions to the major challenges facing Finnish society. The SRC seeks to fund research that is societally impactful and scientifically top-quality.
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Research Council of Finland’s Strategic Research Council
The Strategic Research Council (SRC) is an indepedent body within the Research Council of Finland, established in 2022. It provides funding to long-term and programme-based research aimed at finding solutions to the major challenges facing Finnish society. The SRC seeks to fund research that is societally impactful and scientifically top-quality.
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Energy Solutions as Part of a Just Green Transition (JUST ENERGY)
Energy Solutions as Part of a Just Green Transition (JUST ENERGY) is a programme under the Research Council of Finland’s Strategic Research Council. The programme aims to explore energy solutions as part of a just green transition. It funds five different research consortiums.
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Scientific Advisory Board for Defence
Scientific Advisory Board for Defence (MATINE) operates in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Defence to promote research and cooperation that supports military national defence and security. MATINE makes funding proposals to the Ministry to enforce research projects. It is also an expert network of military research. The Finnish Government nominates the Advisory Board every three years.
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Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe is the European Union’s framework programme for research and innovation. The programme is the EU’s largest investment on research and innovation in Europe of all time. The goal is to advance policy priorities like the green and digital transitions to achieve climate neutral Europe by the year 2050. The duration of the programme is 7 years, during which the EU funds technological developments, innovation scaling and international growth as well as cutting-edge research, training and international mobility of researchers.
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National Emergency Supply Agency
The mission of the National Emergency Supply Agency (HVK NESA) is to ensure, in collaboration with the business sector, the third sector, and authorities, the continuity of the critical functions of Finnish society can be safeguarded during crises and disruptions. NESA's tasks include material preparedness and storage, work related to ensuring the operational reliability of the business sector, and the development of new emergency supply solutions and methods. NESA is part of the administrative branch of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
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