Donald Trump in front of US flag.

FIIA Snapshots

FIIA Snapshots: Return of Donald Trump

The return of Donald Trump as President of the United States has been received with a mixture of acute trepidation and wild excitement. Regardless of what one thinks about Trump in political terms, it is clear that his victory is a significant shock to the current fragile equilibrium in the world, and his re-election has generated heated debate over its possible ramifications and what can be expected in the future.

To participate in this debate, FIIA has decided to try out a new format, FIIA snapshots. The collection of short comments below are quick first cuts, analytical comments drawing on the wealth of expertise at FIIA, and indications of places for further research. Keeping in line with FIIA policy, the Institute does not take a stance related to international politics. Instead, this collection of snapshots seeks to showcase the multitude of expertise and viewpoints at FIIA.

I, as well as the authors of these snapshots, welcome your thoughts and comments concerning the new format as well as the substance.
