Anna Kronlund
Associerad forskare- Förenta staternas utrikes- och inrikespolitik
- Föreenta staterna och Förenta nationerna (FN)
- FN:s legitimitet
Anna Kronlund’s current research focuses on the US attitude towards international cooperation and institutions in the longer term, especially from a human rights perspective. The research is part of a project funded by the Kone Foundation and led by Kronlund, entitled United Nations legitimacy and transnational challenges, 1990-2019, at the University of Jyväskylä.
Kronlund’s broader research interests include the US Congress and foreign policy, debates on the separation of powers, and debates on the politicization of science in the US.
Kronlund received her PhD from the University of Jyväskylä in 2013. In her dissertation, she examined the debates on war and martial law in the US Congress, particularly from the perspective of the constitutional separation of powers.
Politices docent, Jyväskylä universitet (2013)