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Gulfländerna/Arabiska halvön, relationerna mellan EU och Gulfländerna, Gulfländernas ekonomisk politik, reglerande styresformer


PhD, European Studies & Middle East Studies, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies

MA, International Relations & International Economics, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies

BA (Hons), Politics with Economics, Goldsmiths College, University of London


engelska, tyska (arbetsspråk)

Latest FIIA Publications


Gulfländerna/Arabiska halvön, relationerna mellan EU och Gulfländerna, Gulfländernas ekonomisk politik, reglerande styresformer


PhD, European Studies & Middle East Studies, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies

MA, International Relations & International Economics, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies

BA (Hons), Politics with Economics, Goldsmiths College, University of London


engelska, tyska (arbetsspråk)

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Why the EU fails: Learning from past experiences to succeed better next time.

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Behr, Timo & Tiilikainen, Teija (red.) (2015). Northern Europe and the making of the EU's Mediterranean and Middle East policies : normative leaders or passive bystanders? Farnham: Ashgate.

Behr, Timo (2015). Germany: from self-restraint to leadership. I Behr, Timo; Tiilikainen, Teija (red.): Northern Europe and the making of the EU's Mediterranean and Middle East policies : normative leaders or passive bystanders? Farnham: Ashgate. 45-67.

Behr, Timo (2015). Power and politics in the making of Euro-Mediterranean policies: exploring the role of the 'North-South split'. I Behr, Timo; Tiilikainen, Teija (red.): Ashgate. 25-44.

The Effect of the Arab Spring on Euro-Mediterranean Relations.

Behr, Timo (2013). EU Foreign Policy and Political Islam: Towards a new Entente in the post-Arab Spring Era. International Spectator, 48:20-33.

Behr, Timo & Jones, Erik (2013). The Role of the EU in Promoting a Broader Transatlantic Relationship.

Behr, Timo (2012). Talking about the Revolution: Narratives on Origin and Future of the Arab Spring. Working Paper (9).

Behr, Timo (2012). After the Revolution: The EU and the Arab Transition. Notre Europe, Policy Paper.

Behr, Timo (2012). L’Union européenne et le "Printemps arabe" : réactions, ruptures et ralliements. Annuaire Français de Relations Internationales, 13.

Behr, Timo (2012). The European Union's Mediterranean Policies after the Arab Spring: Can the Leopard Change its Spots? The Journal Amsterdam Law Forum, 4 (2).

Behr, Timo (red.) (2012). Future options for the Union for the Mediterranean' in Union for the Mediterranean: The way forward. Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union, European Parliament.