Conflict analysis as a tool for water diplomacy

16.5.2023 14:00 - 16:00

Tuesday, 16 May 2023, at 14:00 – 16:00 EEST / 13:00 – 15:00 CEST

In times of rising geopolitical tensions, economic crises and accelerating climate change, there is a growing need for water diplomacy. Defined as the prevention and resolution of political tensions over water and its use with the help of water expertise and diplomatic tools, water diplomacy also emphasises the role of environmental factors in foreign and security policy. Conflict analysis is therefore a useful and necessary tool to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of water diplomacy. At its best, it can help to catalyse peaceful engagement in a tension-high situation where other, high-stakes political issues are not open for cooperation.

This webinar, organised by FIIA as a part of the ‘Water cooperation and peace – Finnish Water Way’ project, will particularly consider the potential of the conflict analysis tool for water diplomacy developed within the project. How can the conflict analysis tool be applied in varied contexts? What kinds of outcomes and further steps can it produce? Who are the end users and the audience of the analysis?

The conflict analysis tool for water diplomacy has been applied in the FIIA report ”Water diplomacy analysis for Central Asia: Dynamics of insecurity and sources of resilience”. This seminar is a part of a FIIA and Finnish Environment Institute research project on ”Water Cooperation and Peace – Finnish Water Way”.


Opening remarks and chair:
Emma Hakala, Senior Research Fellow, FIIA

Presentation of the conflict analysis tool for water diplomacy:
Katariina Mustasilta, Leading Researcher, FIIA

Comments to the conflict analysis tool:
Antti Rautavaara, Finland’s Special Envoy for Water, MFA

Panel discussion:
Annukka Lipponen, Chief Specialist, Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Lasse Peltonen, Professor, University of Eastern Finland
Mark Zeitoun, Director General, Geneva Water Hub
Alyssa Offutt, Doctoral Candidate, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
Soili Mäkeläinen-Buhanist, Ambassador, MFA

Final Remarks:
Emma Hakala, Senior Research Fellow, FIIA


Emma Hakala
Senior Research Fellow, FIIA
Katariina Mustasilta
Katariina Mustasilta
Leading Researcher, FIIA
Antti Rautavaara
Finland’s Special Envoy for Water, MFA
Annukka Lipponen
Chief Specialist, Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Lasse Peltonen
Professor, University of Eastern Finland
Mark Zeitoun
Director General, Geneva Water Hub
Alyssa Offutt
Doctoral Candidate, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
Soili Mäkeläinen-Buhanist
Ambassador, MFA


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