Europe and the Middle East in the Age of Trump

Arkadiankatu 23, entrance H (inner courtyard), Helsinki
16.10.2018 15:00 - 16:30

The Middle East peace process has stalled since President Trump’s decision last year to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital led Palestinians to withdraw from negotiations. While the Trump administration is developing its own plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace, the EU remains committed to the two-state solution. This seminar will discuss the present impasse in the Middle East peace process, its broader international context, and possible ways for the EU to revive it and to contribute to a negotiated solution.


Robert Malley
President and CEO of the International Crisis Group
Tytti Tuppurainen
Member of Parliament and Chair of the UN Association of Finland
Wolfgang Mühlberger
Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Pär Stenbäck
Minister (hon.) and founding Board Member of the International Crisis Group
Mika Aaltola
Programme Director, Finnish Institute of International Affairs



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