Feminist Foreign Policy, Progressive Foreign Policy and Great Power Competition

Arkadiankatu 23 B, 5th floor, Helsinki
16.9.2022 14:00 - 15:30

US policy makers, from Madeline Albright to Hillary Clinton were early international champions of women’s rights in foreign policy (then first-lady Clinton famously proclaimed in Beijing at the UN’s Fourth World Conference on Women that “human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights”) and the US adopted a Women Peace and Security Strategy in 2019. But US progressives have not adopted the FFP label, even as many feminist goals and insights are central to progressive visions. What are the different strands of progressive foreign policy and where does feminist foreign policy fit? How can we operationalize feminist foreign policy beyond the 3Rs of rights, representation, and resources, or categorical demilitarization? In the emerging era of great power competition and Russian aggression, what are the possible feminist answers and how do they fit with or within a progressive foreign policy as laid out by the Biden administration?


Rachel Tausendfreund
Rachel Tausendfreund
Visiting Senior Fellow
Ville Sinkkonen
Postdoctoral Fellow, FIIA


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