Nordic Cooperation on Foreign and Security Policy – Potential Unused?

Seminar Hall, Arkadiankatu 23, entrance H (inner courtyard), Helsinki
8.5.2018 14:00 - 16:00

Nordic cooperation on foreign and security policy has gained more attention in recent years. Changes in the Nordic states’ immediate security environment after the Ukraine crisis as well as growing global uncertainty have turned foreign, security and defence policy into a key part of the Nordic agenda. Nordic countries have significant potential to obtain a stronger voice in international politics. However, there are considerable differences between the Nordic states in security political solutions, institutional affiliations, priorities and levels of commitment. These create dividing lines and constraints that are hard to overcome. What is currently taking place in Nordic foreign and security political cooperation? What are the prospects for deepening this cooperation?

The seminar marks the publication of the report A stronger North? Nordic cooperation in foreign and security policy in a new security environment. The report concludes the outcomes of a FIIA-led research project, entitled ‘Stronger North? Developing Nordic cooperation on foreign and security policy’, which is part of the implementation of the Government Plan for Analysis, Assessment and Research for 2017.


Teija Tiilikainen
Director, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Tuomas Iso-Markku
Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Jukka Salovaara
Director General, Political Department, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Krister Bringéus
Ambassador, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden


Johan Strang
Senior Research Fellow, University of Oslo
Charlotte Laursen
Ambassador of Denmark to Finland


Teija Tiilikainen
Direktör; chefredaktör, tidskiften Ulkopolitiikka



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