The global order is undergoing significant change, with a decline in multilateralism and growing geopolitical fragmentation. Global norms are shifting and there is increasing uncertainty surrounding the future direction of global affairs.
Consequently, the landscape of conflict resolution is evolving. The traditional UN-led approach is eroding, resulting in diverse peace approaches and methods. A variety of actors, including emerging new alliances, middle powers and private organizations are gaining more influence. More and more often conflicts are taking the form of ”internationalized intrastate”, and the role of technology in both warfare and peacemaking is changing rapidly. With shared norms, once foundational to global cooperation, beginning to erode, the peacemaking field faces multiple operational challenges, also related to inclusivity. The situation for women peacebuilders has been deteriorating since the pandemic, highlighting the need for more inclusive conflict resolution strategies.
This event aims to discuss critical issues in peace and security, looking at the changing landscape of peacemaking with a focus on the current situation in Ukraine, Sudan and the Middle East. To mark 25 years of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda, the event will place special emphasis on the role of women in peacemaking. The event also marks the beginning of CMI’s 25th Anniversary Year.
8:30-9:00 Coffee
Welcoming remarks
H.E. Mr. Paul Sherlock, Ambassador of Ireland to Finland
Janne Taalas, Chief Executive Officer, CMI
Keynote address
Renata Dwan, Senior Advisor, CMI
Panel discussion
Renata Dwan, Senior Advisor, CMI
Elisa Tarnaala, Senior Adviser, CMI
Olli Ruohomäki, Non-resident Senior Fellow, FIIA
Timo Stewart, Senior Research Fellow, FIIA
Katariina Mustasilta, Senior Research Fellow, FIIA
Atte Harjanne, Member of Parliament
Q&A Session
Closing remarks
Hiski Haukkala, Director, FIIA