What Role for Franco-German Cooperation in a Changing EU?

Auditorium of Annex Building of the Parliament, Arkadiankatu 3, Helsinki
8.5.2019 10:00 - 12:00

Cooperation between France and Germany is often seen as one of the pillars of European integration. Recent
years of several severe European crises, as well as Brexit, have further underlined the importance of this
relationship. Compromises between Paris and Berlin have been important in tackling the crises and reforming the EU. High hopes (and some fears) about the strengthening of this relationship after the French presidential and German federal elections in 2017 have not, however, fully materialized, partly due to domestic political developments in Germany and France. How strong is the current Franco-German relationship? What kind of compromises might emerge in light of the EU reforms?


Sibylle Sorg
Ambassador, Director for Relations with European Union Member States, Cross- Border and Regional Cooperation, Federal Foreign Office of Germany
Eric Maurice
Manager of the Brussels Office, Robert Schuman Foundation



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