The Role of Local Actions in Mitigating Climate Change

Finnish Institute of International Affairs

Ms. Catherine Witherspoon, former Executive Director of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has over 26 years of experience in air quality management and climate change issues at the state, local and federal levels.
The State of California plays a leading role in environmental and climate change issues within the United States and CARB is tasked with implementing California’s air quality and climate standards. Since 1967, CARB has supported cutting-edge research that identifies the causes and impacts of air pollution, including those upon public health, societal welfare and the broader ecology. In 2006, CARB became the lead agency in California for identifying, managing and reducing climate altering greenhouse gases under the State’s comprehensive Global Warming Solution Act.

This roundtable meeting was a closed session and we invited (a small number of) specified experts and professionals interested in climate change and climate policy.





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