FIIA will publish a report on the post-Soviet space early next year. FIIA also invites applications from senior scholars to conduct research on U.S. role in global political and economic affairs.
Project on post-Soviet space
FIIA project “What has remained of the Soviet Union?” aims to take stock of the process of erosion of the post-Soviet space, to analyse the remaining material and other structural legacy of the USSR still present and to assess the potential for re-integration of the region around Russia.
The project is co-funded by Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The authors’ collective includes leading European and Russian experts in the field. The publication of the FIIA report is expected early next year.
Call for applications
FIIA is seeking an outstanding senior scholar to conduct research on strategic and critical issues related to the role of the U.S. in global political and economic affairs. The Visiting Professor or Senior Fellow will be appointed for a period of up to one year, beginning 1 February 2019. The duration of the appointment and the exact starting date are negotiable.
Deadline for applications has been extended until Friday 18 January 2019. Applications must be submitted by 23.59 pm Finnish time. Applicants must have a doctorate, an excellent publication record, and a demonstrated research capacity. Further information on the FIIA websiteavautuu uuteen ikkunaan.
Academic articles in 2018
FIIA researchers have published over twenty peer-reviewed academic articles in journals and scholarly books in 2018.
The journals included Russian Politicsavautuu uuteen ikkunaan, Geopoliticsavautuu uuteen ikkunaan, Terrorism and Political Violenceavautuu uuteen ikkunaan, Europe-Asia Studiesavautuu uuteen ikkunaan, Journal for Deradicalizationavautuu uuteen ikkunaan, Comparative Strategyavautuu uuteen ikkunaan and The International Spectatoravautuu uuteen ikkunaan. The book chapters appeared in volumes published by e.g. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Springer and Palgrave Macmillan.
Staff News
Research Fellow Veera Laineavautuu uuteen ikkunaan has been granted a Fulbright scholarship for a six-month visit to Columbia University, N.Y., starting in January.
Project Director Bart Gaensavautuu uuteen ikkunaan is visiting Osaka University as a Specially Appointed Associate Professor until early January.
Finnish Journal of Foreign Affairs
This year’s fourth issue of the Finnish Journal of Foreign Affairs, Ulkopolitiikkaavautuu uuteen ikkunaan, focuses on the future of warfare. The Journal opens with the profile interview of general Jarmo Lindbergavautuu uuteen ikkunaan, the Commander of the Finnish defence forces, who predicts that military tensions are here to stay in Europe. The Journal also analyses military threats from Finnish perspectiveavautuu uuteen ikkunaan and raises questions on the development of autonomous weaponsavautuu uuteen ikkunaan.
In addition, the Journal visits the principality of Liechtensteinavautuu uuteen ikkunaan. Besides providing banking services to the wealthy, Liechtenstein might offer a model for post-Brexit Britain. The principality has both a membership in the European Economic Area (EEA) and a customs union with Switzerland.
The Journal’s reportage from Iraqi Kurdistanavautuu uuteen ikkunaan shows that despite current sectarian violence, living together as one nation may still be the best option for the people of Iraq.
Ulkopolitiikka is available both as a printed journal and as an online version at
Recent publications
All FIIA publications are available on the Institute’s website.
FIIA Reports
The Sino-Russian and US-Russian relationships: Current developments and future trendsavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Teija Tiilikainen, Mark N. Katz, Marcin Kaczmarski
Euroopan unioni turvallisuusyhteisönä: Kansalaismielipide, asenne- ja arvoympäristöavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Tuomas Iso-Markku, Matti Pesu, Juha Jokela
FIIA Analyses
EU Foreign Policy in a Networked World: Webs against power politicsavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Kristi Raik
Contextualizing the “Trump Doctrine”: Realism, Transactionalism and the Civilizational Agendaavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Ville Sinkkonen
FIIA Working Papers
The European Dimension of Nuclear Deterrence: French and British policies and future scenariosavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Bruno Tertrais
FIIA Briefing Papers
France and European defence: Continuity in long-term objectives, change in strategyavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Pernille Rieker
Tackling democratic vulnerabilities in the post-truth era: Domestic and International Responsesavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Nicolas Tenzer
Toni Alaranta
NATO’s Return to the North Atlantic: Implications for the Defense of Northern Europeavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Stephen J. Flanagan
Will International Institutions Fail Again? International power shifts and the future of global cooperationavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Matthew D. Stephen
Communist Parties In Russia, Ukraine and Moldova: Struggling with popular demandsavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Jussi Lassila, Ryhor Nizhnikau
Kiinalaisten syvä epäluulo Venäjää kohtaan: strateginen kumppanuus koskee vain maiden johtajiaavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Jyrki Kallio
FIIA Comments
Finland’s defence cooperation: The ‘no a priori limits’ approach with Sweden should be a model for other cooperation effortsavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Charly Salonius-Pasternak, Henri Vanhanen
Crimea 2.0: Will Russia seek reunification with Belarus?avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Arkady Moshes
Tunisia’s magic reform bullet? Decentralisation is being developed to upend the legacy of a highly centralised stateavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Wolfgang Mühlberger
Russia-India relations: Long-term obstacles remain despite sectoral achievementsavautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Marcin Kaczmarski
FIIA Comments are also available in Finnish. Subscribe to the FIIA Newsletter and/or publication notifications uuteen ikkunaan