US Trade Policy and the Future of Global Order?

10.3.2021 16:00 - 17:15

In the world of trade, the Trump years were characterised by disputes with friend and foe alike. Has change arrived? This webinar measures the direction of the wind blowing through Washington now, the role of international trade in US global presence and their implications for Europe and the rest of the world. The conversation touches upon both what elements of recent policy will continue and the likelihood of discontinuities.

Trade troubles may have appeared as an early crack in the foundation of US global leadership. As global supply chains are needed to deliver vaccines and climate change calls for international cooperation, Washington is showing discomfort with a trading system whose construction it led. Also, is there something Europe could do that America can or will not?

The recording of the webinar is available at FIIA’s youtube-channel:


Stan Veuger
Resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Saila Turtiainen
Senior Research Fellow, FIIA
Lauri Tähtinen
Non-resident Fellow, FIIA


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