Kallio, Jyrki; Koivu, Tuuli & Ruokamo, Anu (2022).
Finland: Fears of dependence on China burden good relations with the US.
Seaman, John; Ghiretti, Francesca; Erlbacher, Lucas; Martin, Xiaoxue; Otero-Iglesias, Miguel
Dependence in Europe's Relations with China: Weighing Perceptions and Reality.
French Institute of International Relations (Ifri).
Kallio, Jyrki; Koivu, Tuuli & Ruokamo, Anu (2022).
Finland: Fears of dependence on China burden good relations with the US.
Seaman, John; Ghiretti, Francesca; Erlbacher,Lucas; Martin, Xiaoxue; Otero-Iglesias, Miguel
Dependence in Europe's Relations with China: Weighing Perceptions and Reality.
French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) .