African megatrends: Looking over the horizon into the future

22.3.2021 13:00 - 14:30

Population growth, urbanization, climate change, slow democratization, protracted conflict, regional integration and a new scramble for Africa are megatrends that are shaping the future of the continent. The main question that arises when thinking about Africa’s future is how these megatrends affect the overall picture of what the continent will look like in a few decades. Will Africa be a growth success story or will positive developments be tempered by various internal and external challenges? The webinar will explore the main contours of the trajectory of change that informs the course of developments in the continent.

Registrations to by Thursday 18 March. 


Mika Aaltola
Director, FIIA
Jakkie Cilliers
Founder and former Executive Director of the Institute for Security Studies
Liisa Laakso
Senior Researcher, The Nordic Africa Institute
Martti Eirola
Senior Advisor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Olli Ruohomäki
Olli Ruohomäki
Non-Resident Senior Fellow, FIIA


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