Drivers of the Finnish and Estonian strategic cultures in the 2020s: Commonalities or divergences?

Embassy of Finland, Kohtu 4, Tallinn
13.12.2019 10:00 - 12:00

Dissimilar historical experiences have led Estonia and Finland to practice different foreign policies. Whereas Finland remains outside NATO and maintains a pragmatic approach in dealing with Russia, Estonia relies on NATO membership and frequently warns its fellow Europeans of Russia’s ambitions. But are Finland and Estonia that different after all? Are the growing uncertainty in the Euro-Atlantic region and increasing great power competition drawing them closer? The event brings together Finnish and Estonian national security experts to discuss the state of European security and the foreign policy agendas of the two countries. The aim of the session is to identify common dynamics and divergences regarding Finland’s and Estonia’s strategic cultures and to foster mutual understanding on European and regional security issues on both sides of the Gulf of Finland.


Timo Kantola
Ambassador, Embassy of Finland in Tallinn
Kristi Raik
Director of the Estonian Foreign Policy Institute, ICDS
Tuomas Forsberg
Director, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki
Sven Sakkov
Director, International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
Harri Mikkola
Leading Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs


Matti Pesu
Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs


Mika Aaltola



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