
FIIA Climate Briefing: Analysis of the Baku Climate Meeting

27.11.2024 09:00 - 10:15

The yearly round of UN climate negotiations, COP 29, takes place in Baku, Azerbaijan. Once again, more than 50 000 participants are expected to the meeting and its numerous side events. In the multilateral negotiations between governments, the agenda is topped by the ambition of the next national commitments, and climate finance to assist developing countries in addressing climate change. Negotiators will try to set a New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance for 2025 and onwards, working from the $100 billion per year commitment that countries agreed upon before.

What was achieved in the negotiations, and what was left on the table? What does the political aftermath of the Baku conference look like? How did Azerbaijan, another major oil and gas producing country, succeed as a COP president?

Two prominent experts, Associate Professor Yulia Yamineva (CCEEL) and Postdoctoral Fellow Karoliina Hurri (FIIA & Arctic Centre), share their insights directly from the Baku plenaries and corridors after attending the meeting.

Moderator: Antto Vihma, Research Professor, FIIA

The webinar is organised together with the Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law (CCEEL) at the University of Eastern Finland.


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