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Kaikkien aikojen vaalivuosi konfliktien varjossa – Miltä näyttää ulkopolitiikan vuosi 2024
Suomen resilienssi ja huoltovarmuus hybridiuhkien aikakaudella
Mutkistuva moninapainen maailma
Israel ja Palestiina kriisissä – Mihin Hamasin terrori-iskut johtavat?
Ydinaseet, Euroopan turvallisuus ja Suomi
Suomi Natossa – mikä muuttuu?
Venäjän hyökkäyssodan vaikutukset Euroopan arktisen alueen turvallisuuteen
Charly Salonius-Pasternak
Leading researcher, FIIA
Charly Salonius-Pasternak is a Leading Researcher at FIIA and leads the work of the Center on US Politics and Power (CUSPP). His work at FIIA focuses on international security issues, especially Nordic and transatlantic security (including NATO), as well as U.S. foreign and defence policy. Recently he has focused on Finnish-Swedish defence cooperation and the evolution of US and NATO alliance reassurance approaches in light of the changed regional security situation. In 2017, he was a visiting research fellow at the Changing Character of War programme at Pembroke College (Oxford University), where he studied the hybridization of warfare and the impact of the Information Age on the character of war.
Nicole Austin-Hillery
President & CEO, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF)
Nicole Austin-Hillery is the President & CEO at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF). In this role, Ms. Austin-Hillery will lead and inspire a team of high-performing leaders and staff as they create and implement plans to carry out the organization’s mission and achieve strategic goals. In addition, Ms. Austin-Hillery is a steward of the brand and mission of the organization, acting to build, enhance and leverage the power of relationships and networks across the private, public and corporate sectors to procure support and needed resources for the organization to further its mission.
Leo Michel
Non-Resident Fellow, FIIA
Leo Michel is Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. His previous government positions included: Distinguished Research Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies; Director for NATO Policy and Director for Non-Nuclear Arms Control in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Deputy U.S. Representative to the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Consultative Commission as well as other goverment positions. Michel holds a M.A. from Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies and a B.A. from Princeton University.