Unfinished business: Next steps on US-Russia arms control

24.11.2020 16:30 - 17:45

Despite a flurry of diplomatic activity over the late summer and early fall, the United States and Russia have yet to seal a deal on extending the New START treaty limiting their strategic nuclear arsenals.  Absent an agreement, the treaty will expire on February 5, 2021.  Meanwhile, President Vladimir Putin recently sent a proposal to NATO calling for a “moratorium” on deploying short- and medium-range missiles in Europe – systems that would have been banned by the now defunct US-Russia INF treaty.  

Changes in the strategic environment related to nuclear arms control and the nuclear postures of Russia, the United States and its NATO allies will directly affect Finnish security interests.  Hence, the third episode of “Transatlantic Currents” will explore the military and political issues surrounding New START extension and the “moratorium” proposal, as well as possible new approaches when President-elect Joe Biden assumes office on January 20.

Link to background material: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2020/03/23/as-us-russian-arms-control-faces-expiration-sides-face-tough-choices/

The recording of the webinar is available at FIIA’s youtube-channel:


Maria Annala
Visiting Research Fellow, FIIA
Steven Pifer
Steven Pifer, William J. Perry Fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University


Leo Michel
Non-Resident Fellow

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