Strategic contest in the Indo-Pacific and what it means for Europe

30.11.2021 09:00 - 10:00

The Indo-Pacific is a two-ocean region of connectivity and strategic contest, the global centre of gravity in wealth, population and military power. China’s ambitions are driving rivalry, with resistance from the United States and other powers including Japan, India and Australia. Europe has declared its own stakes in the Indo-Pacific, but recent tensions over the new AUKUS submarine technology partnership raise questions about whether democracies will sustain convergent visions for the security of this vital region.

In this presentation, Rory Medcalf will address those questions with the conclusions of the new edition of his book, Indo-Pacific Empire: China, America and the Contest for the World’s Pivotal Region.


Katja Creutz
Programme Director, FIIA
Rory Medcalf
Head of the National Security College, Australian National University
Arto Haapea
Director, Unit for Eastern Asia and Oceania, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Bart Gaens
Leading Researcher, FIIA

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