Oil, the State and War

1.11.2023 14:00 - 15:30

Since the end of World War II, the number of armed conflicts between states has plummeted. However, one group of countries stands out in its continued aggression and that is oil-rich states. In turn, oil-rich regions are often the Theater of external military interventions. Join us to listen to Emma Ashford discuss her new book Oil, the State and War: The Foreign Policy of Petrostates where she argues that foreign policy and oil are inextricably linked. How do different petrostates behave in the international arena? What changes can we expect in their foreign policy if the low carbon transition reduces their revenues? How do OPEC+ and other major oil producers influence international politics today?


Speaker: Emma Ashford, Senior Fellow, Stimson Center

Comments & Chair: Marco Siddi, Leading Researcher, FIIA


Emma Ashford
Senior Fellow, Stimson Center
Marco Siddi
Leading Researcher, FIIA

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