Identifying the Weak Spots of the Liberal World Order

Arkadiankatu 23, entrance H (inner courtyard), Helsinki
16.3.2018 10:30 - 12:00

The liberal world order encompasses norms, institutions and practices. Different components of the liberal order face different challenges. Some of these components must be considered more essential for the key values embraced by the order. In this seminar, some of the findings of an ECFR project are presented concerning the vulnerabilities of various parts of the liberal order, in particular in the areas of trade, migration, security and warfare, and the Internet. The project is funded by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.



Teija Tiilikainen
Director, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Mark Leonard
Director, European Council on Foreign Relations
Anthony Dworkin
Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations
Sophie Eisentraut
Visiting Senior Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs


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