Security and defence policy at the core of US-Russian relations

Arkadiankatu 23, entrance H (inner courtyard), Helsinki
22.8.2018 14:00 - 16:00

Tensions between the US and Russia have recently increased in several regional contexts from the Middle East to the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. The US has been watching with growing concern Russian actions along its European border and in Syria. For its part, Russia has been critical of NATO’s role in Moscow’s neighbourhood. Disagreements over arms control treaties and direct violations of them have increased distrust in an environment where the significance of nuclear weapons is growing. What are the possibilities to relieve tensions and construct a common approach towards strategic issues? How do the changing great power constellations and the new military ambitiousness of China affect US-Russian relations?

This year’s Helsinki Summer Session is organized in conjunction with FIIA’s ongoing research project entitled ‘Changing great power politics and its implications for Finland’. The project is part of the implementation of the Finnish Government Plan for Analysis, Assessment and Research activities for 2018.


Viktoriya Zhuravleva
Head of Center for North American Studies, Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO)
James Sherr
Associate Fellow, Russia & Eurasia Programme, Chatham House
Jeffrey Mankoff
Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, Russia & Eurasia Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)


Mika Aaltola


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