The Internal Security of the European Union and Its External Effects

Finnish Institute of International Affairs


Opening by Dr Paul Luif (chair)

14:00–15:30 First Session
The Finnish EU Presidency and JHA: What were the highlights, in particular concerning the external effects of JHA? (Statements by officials from the Finnish ministries, comments by researchers)

Antti Pelttari (Ministry for Internal Affairs, Finland): JHA during the Second Finnish EU Presidency: Progress and Problems

Antti Kaski (Ministry of Foreign Affairs): European Security and Defence Policy and Its Links to JHA

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

16:00–17:30 Second Session
The external effects of JHA in selected areas (Statements by researchers, comments by officials)

Florian Trauner (Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna):
EU Justice and Home Affairs in the Western Balkans: The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion

Miriam Lang (European Court of Justice, Luxembourg):
The European Court of Justice at the Crossroads of Security and External Relations


Univ.-Doz.Dr. Paul Luif
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP)
Mobile: +43-699-17982093





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