The Internal Security of the European Union and Its External Effects

Workshop organized in cooperation with the Austrian Institute for International Affairsin (OIIP)

Finnish Institute of International Affairs


Opening by Dr Paul Luif (chair)

14:00–15:30 First Session
The Finnish EU Presidency and JHA: What were the highlights, in particular concerning the external effects of JHA? (Statements by officials from the Finnish ministries, comments by researchers)

Antti Pelttari (Ministry for Internal Affairs, Finland): JHA during the Second Finnish EU Presidency: Progress and Problems

Antti Kaski (Ministry of Foreign Affairs): European Security and Defence Policy and Its Links to JHA

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

16:00–17:30 Second Session
The external effects of JHA in selected areas (Statements by researchers, comments by officials)

Florian Trauner (Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna):
EU Justice and Home Affairs in the Western Balkans: The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion

Miriam Lang (European Court of Justice, Luxembourg):
The European Court of Justice at the Crossroads of Security and External Relations


Univ.-Doz.Dr. Paul Luif
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP)
Mobile: +43-699-17982093




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