
One month till the landmark US election: here’s all you need to know

6 October 2020

The United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. With four weeks left until election day, we have compiled the recent FIIA analysis on US politics for your convenience.

Latest webinars by FIIA’s Center on US Politics and Power (CUSPP)
Who voted for Trump in 2016 and will they do so again?

President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign appealed to enough Americans to make him president. In 2020, a major question is whether these same voters still find his message convincing, and whether he can appeal to others. Who actually voted for Trump in 2016 and why? What does that tell us about his re-election chances? What will these voters be looking for in a candidate in 2024 and beyond? Video available also from this link:


The future of American foreign and security policy

Under President Donald Trump, American foreign and security policy has differed substantially from previous administrations. What would American foreign and security policy look like during Trump’s second term or Biden’s first? Video available also from this link:


Great Power Politics and Covid 19

How will the experiences brought on by the pandemic and the responses to it continue to impact national as well as great-power politics in the years to come? Video available also from this link:

All recorded webinars available on FIIA’s YouTube channel.

The US Elections Untangled podcast by Maria Annala

US Elections Untangled is a weekly podcast series that dives deep into the big questions surrounding the 2020 hosted by FIIA Visiting Research Fellow Maria Annala, an expert in present-day American politics. The topics discussed in this podcast range from election meddling, climate change, polarization to US foreign relations. You can listen to all the episodes also on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and follow the conversation on social media #USElectionsUntangled.


FIIA publications

If you’re in a hurry, try these FIIA Comments (3-minute reads):


If you have a couple more minutes, go for FIIA Briefing Papers (15-minute reads):

For a deep dive, try our more academic papers:



For more information about FIIA’s work on US politics, visit the Center on US Politics and Power’s (CUSPP) website. You can subscribe to our publication notifications and event invitations from this link.
