The Western Balkans and the EU: Reassessing the relationship

Arkadiankatu 23 H (courtyard), 2nd floor, Helsinki
19.9.2019 09:00 - 11:00

The European future of the Western Balkans (WB) is increasingly uncertain. While the countries of the WB have been promised a European perspective, conditions for becoming part of the EU have become much stricter compared to previous enlargement rounds. At the same time, the EU’s appetite for accepting new members has decreased due to numerous internal factors. As a result, the EU’s enlargement policy seems to be stuck in limbo.

This seminar will reflect on the current state of play with regard to the advancement of the Western Balkans in the EU accession process. What are the potential benefits of the EU’s expansion to this region? What kinds of options are possible for making the accession process more effective? What is the role of the enlargement in the context of wider debates on the future of Europe?

Video recording of the panel discussion below.


Kaisa Penny
Director, Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
Milena Lazarević
Programme Director, European Policy Centre – Belgrade, Serbia
Sotiraq Hroni
Executive Director, Institute for Democracy and Mediation – Tirana, Albania
Keijo Karjalainen
Deputy Director, Unit for South-Eastern Europe, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland


Emma Hakala
Leading Researcher


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