Elina Sinkkonen is a Senior Research Fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs and holds the Title of Docent in East Asian Studies, specifically East Asian Politics, at the University of Turku. Her research interests include great power relations, authoritarian regimes, regional security in East Asia, Chinese nationalism, public opinion issues in China and domestic-foreign policy nexus in IR theory. Sinkkonen’s ongoing research focuses on technology in the great power struggle and more precisely understanding China’s innovation ecosystem, technological advancement, tech financing, and regulation. Technology theme relates to two externally funded projects.

Sinkkonen’s work has been published in Political Psychology, Democratization, The China Quarterly, The Pacific Review, European Review of International Studies and European Foreign Affairs Review, among others. She received her doctorate from the University of Oxford at the Department of Politics and International Relations. Her co-edited book on the new roles of women in Chinese society won the 2016 Kanava prize, which is given to the best Finnish book in the fields of politics, society, economics, history or culture.


DPhil, University of Oxford (UK), Department of Politics and International Relations, 2014
M.Soc.Sc, University of Helsinki, Department of Politics and Economics, 2008

Akademic awards

Kanava prize 2016 for non-fiction writing

Language skills
Finnish, English, Chinese (working languages), French, Swedish, German, Spanish
Work experience

Researcher, University of Helsinki, 2013
Visiting researcher, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 2011–2012
Member of China’s War With Japan programme at the University of Oxford 2009–2013
Coordinator of Asia-Pacific Studies Programme, University of Helsinki 2007–2009
In addition teaching experience at the University of Helsinki from 2008 onwards

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