Eoin Micheál McNamara
Research Fellow- Transatlantic relations
- US grand strategy
- transformation of war
- security in northern and eastern Europe
Eoin Micheál McNamara is a Research Fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA). He previously taught extensively in International Relations at the University of Tartu in Estonia between 2013 and 2020. His main research interests include: transatlantic relations; US grand strategy; NATO; transformation of war; and security in northern and eastern Europe. He has published in the NATO Review, the Revue Militaire Suisse, the Defence Forces Review, Irish Studies in International Affairs and in edited volumes published by Routledge and Palgrave MacMillan, among other outlets. He has given evidence on security and defence policy before the Oireachtas (Parliament of Ireland) Joint Committee on European Union Affairs and has briefed the Irish Defence Forces Joint Staff and Command Course.
His television, radio and newspaper commentary on security, defence and international affairs has featured in Finland’s main media publications including Helsingin Sanomat, Ilta-Sanomat, YLE, Svenska YLE, Kauppalehti, Aamulehti, Turun Sanomat and Hufvudstadsbladet, and globally on outlets such as BBC World, the Times of London, the New York Times, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, El Pais, Euronews, the Voice of America, Al-Jazeera, the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), the Irish Times, the Irish Independent and Ireland’s national broadcaster Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ). He has previously been awarded visiting research fellowships at the Institute of International Relations (IIR) in Prague, Czech Republic (2019); at the Centre for War Studies (CWS), University of Southern Denmark (2020); and at FIIA (2021-22).
PhD candidate in political science, University of Tartu
(Dissertation: “The Risk Society and Deterioration in Stabilization Policy: US Leadership, the NATO Alliance and the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan”)
MSc in security studies, University College London, 2011
MA in European Union – Russia studies, University of Tartu, 2011
BA international (Hons.) in history and politics, University College Dublin (year three at University of Bergen), 2009
University Teaching Experience
Foreign Policy Analysis (Convening Lecturer, University of Tartu, 2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020) 6 ECTS
US Foreign Policy (Convening Lecturer, University of Tartu, 2019/2020) 6 ECTS
EU in International Politics (Convening Lecturer, University of Tartu, 2017/2018) 6 ECTS
EU Security Policy (Convening Lecturer, University of Tartu, 2016/2017; 2018/2019) 6ECTS
Transatlantic Relations (Convening Lecturer, University of Tartu, 2013/2014; 2014/2015) 6 ECTS
Security and Insecurity in South-East Asia (Convening Lecturer, University of Tartu, 2013/2014) 6ECTS
Security Challenges in the Asia-Pacific (Co-Convened with Prof. Eiki Berg, University of Tartu, 2019/2020) 6ECTS
Alliances in International Politics (Convening Lecturer, University of Tartu, 2016/2017; 2019/2020) 3ECTS
Power in International Politics (Convening Lecturer, University of Tartu, 2016/2017; 2018/2019) 6ECTS
International Conflicts (Convening Lecturer, Estonian School of Diplomacy, 2015/2016) 3ECTS
Media Outreach
My media briefings and commentary on international affairs, security and defence have been quoted in the Finnish media and press with YLE, YLE Svenska, MTV3, Helsingin Sanomat, Ilta-Sanomat, Hufvudstadsbladet, Aamulehti, Kaleva, Kauppalehti, Savon Sanomat, Etelä Suomen Sanomat, Demokraatti, Suomenmaa, Lapin Kansa, Turun Sanomat and Iltalehti.
Feature-style television interviews with BBC World News (London), Al-Jazeera Inside Story (Doha), Al-Jazeera (Serbo-Croatian service, Sarajevo), Telewizja Polska World (TVP World – Warsaw), the South African Broadcasting Corporation (Johannesburg), ANews (Istanbul) and Ireland’s national broadcaster Raidió Teilifís Éireann’s (RTÉ – Dublin) main news programmes the Six.One News, Prime Time and the Week in Politics.
Further international multimedia and press commentary featured with BBC Radio Scotland, BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC News Arabic Language, Al-Jazeera Arabic Language (Doha), CGTN Europe (Beijing), The Times (London), the New York Times (United States), the Irish Times (Dublin), The Irish Examiner (Dublin/Cork), Euronews Spanish-language (Lyon), El Pais (Madrid), El Confidencial (Madrid), the Baltic Times (Riga), Postimees (Tallinn), Tartu Postimees (Estonia), TV3 (Estonia), Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR – the Estonian Public Broadcasting Service), Latvijas sabiedriskais medijs (LSM–Public Broadcasting of Latvia), Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija (LRT–Lithuanian National Radio and Television), Respekt (Prague), Semana (Colombia), Capital (Bulgaria), Delfi TV (Lithuania), Il Post (Italy), La Croix (France), the UK Defence Journal (United Kingdom).