Katariina Mustasilta is a Senior Research Fellow in the European Union and Strategic Competition programme at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. Her research covers countries’ internal conflicts, the EU’s external action in the realms of conflicts and threats to peace, and international conflict prevention and peace-building efforts. Her publications include academic articles in journals such as the Journal of Peace Research and European Foreign Affairs Review as well as more policy-oriented research reports and briefings.
She recently led FIIA’s project ‘Finland in Afghanistan 2001-2021’ that examined Finland’s engagement in the stabilisation and reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. At the moment she focuses on European conflict prevention and management efforts in the time of strategic competition, European strategic cultures, and conflict analysis as a tool for water diplomatic efforts.
Prior to joining FIIA, Mustasilta worked at the EUISS, where she covered conflict research relevant to the EU’s integrated approach to conflicts and crises. Mustasilta holds a PhD in Political Science from the Government Department at the University of Essex. Her PhD focused on the role of traditional governance in sub-Saharan African countries’ internal conflicts.
Conflicts and political violence, EU’s common foreign and security policy, international conflict prevention and crisis management efforts, Sub-Saharan Africa
Doctor of Philosophy (political science), University of Essex (2019)
Conflicts and political violence, EU’s common foreign and security policy, international conflict prevention and crisis management efforts, Sub-Saharan Africa
Doctor of Philosophy (political science), University of Essex (2019)
AfricaEconomic policyEU's external relationsEuropean UnionHuman rightsSecurity and Defence Policyulko-ja turvallisuuspolitiikkaE Publications intended for the general public
Bisca, Paul M.; Brown, Edward K.; Calandro, Enrico; Cilliers, Jakkie; Gebremichael, Mesfin; Isacsson, Joachim; Kell, Fergus; Lavinal, Olivier; Mustasilta, Katariina; Narbone, Luigi; Palleschi, Carlo; Papa, Carlo; Pawlak, Patryk; Portela, Clara; Robinson, Melanie; Sartori, Nicolò; Tassinari, Fabrizio; Venturi, Bernardo; Vines, Alex & Woolfrey, Sean (2021).
African Futures 2030 - Free Trade, peace and prosperity.
European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).
European Neighborhood PolicyEuropean UnionA Peer-reviewed scientific articles
Mustasilta, Katariina (2020).
Green terror? The environment fights back.
Florence Gaub
Conflicts to come. 15 scenarios for 2030.
European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).
Mustasilta, Katariina (2020).
What if… a revolution led to democratisation?
Florence Gaub
What if… 14 futures for 2024.
European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).