  • China’s foreign policy and politics
  • China-USA, EU-China
  • Global economy
  • Taiwan
  • Strategic competition
  • International relations simulations

Mikael Mattlin is a Research Professor and the leader of Center on Global Orders and China (CORD). He served as the Acting Director and Acting Deputy Director of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs in 2024.

Prior to joining FIIA, Mattlin worked as a Professor of Political Science (2021–22), Senior Lecturer of International Politics and TIAS Collegium Researcher at the University of Turku, as well as Professor of Chinese Studies (2018–19) and University Lecturer in World Politics at the University of Helsinki. Mattlin also led the ForAc research project, funded by the Academy of Finland. Currently, he leads the Scientific Advisory Board for Defence (MATINE) project China’s disruptive technologies and international security, and StandardEdge project, funded by BusinessFinland. Mattlin has published extensively in peer-reviewed academic journals, such as The China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, Information, Communication & Society, Cooperation and Conflict, Simulation & Gaming, European Political Science, Journal of Political Science Education, Asia Europe Journal, and European Foreign Affairs Review.

In the Spring of 2022, Mattlin published the first comprehensive Finnish-language research-based book on the Chinese political system (Vastapaino). The book was co-authored with two other leading Finnish China experts. The book was a finalist for the Science Book of the Year 2022 award.

Mattlin has long developed, taught and researched a negotiation simulation-based teaching concept for international relations. The teaching concept has received recognition both nationally and internationally, recently receiving an honorary mention from the European Political Science Consortium (2021 EPS Jacqui Briggs Prize) for example. The teaching concept has inspired colleagues around the globe to try the concept, with excellent results.


List of publications (pdf)


Doctor of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 2008
Master of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 1999

Language skills
Swedish, Finnish, English, Chinese (working languages), German, French
Positions of trust

Foundation for Foreign Policy Research, Vice-Chair of the Board (2022-24)
European International Studies Association (EISA), auditor (2020 and 2021 accounts)
European Research Centre on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT), Associate Fellow
Editorial board member, Nordic Review of International Studies
Member of the Research Directors network, Tulanet

All publications
