In its meeting on 5 February 2024, the FIIA Board elected Ambassador Klaus Korhonen as the Chair of the FIIA Board, following the appointment of the previous Chair Kai Sauer as Finland’s Ambassador to Germany.
“The Finnish Institute of the International Affairs has become a prominent European research institute and think tank. I am delighted to support the Institute in its important work,” says Klaus Korhonen. Among the challenges, Mr Korhonen cites keeping the Institute’s finances in balance as general austerity pressures reduce revenues.
The other Board members are:
Anu Kantola (Vice Chair), Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
Risto Heiskala, Professor and Director of the Institute for Advanced Social Research, University of Tampere
Ville Kaunisto, Member of Parliament
Kimmo Kiljunen, Member of Parliament
René Nyberg, Ambassador
Sakari Puisto, Member of Parliament
Paula Vanninen, Professor Emerita, University of Helsinki
Jari Luoto, State Secretary for EU Affairs
The board decides, among other things, on the Institute’s finances and research programme, which is realized by the Institute’s researchers according to the principles of academic autonomy. The board also appoints the Director of the Institute.