
Article on Differentiated Cooperation in the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy published

3 February 2022

An article titled “Differentiated Cooperation in the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy: Effectiveness, Accountability, Legitimacy” by FIIA Senior Research Fellow Marco Siddi, FIIA Research Fellow Tyyne Karjalainen and FIIA Programme Director Juha Jokela has been published in The International Spectator. The article argues that differentiated cooperation has had positive outcomes when it has adhered to common EU values and positions. When this has not been the case, differentiation has undermined EU foreign and security policy.

This article, as well as the Special Issue in which it is included, is one of the outputs of research conducted in the framework of the EU IDEA research projectavautuu uuteen ikkunaan – Integration and Differentiation for Effectiveness and Accountability – which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 822622. 

The article can be read hereavautuu uuteen ikkunaan.

Marco Siddi
Leading Researcher
Portrait of Tyyne Karjalainen, blode hair, dark eyes, beige shirt.
Tyyne Karjalainen
Research Fellow
Juha Jokela
Programme Director