The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, with the support of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, seeks to establish a collaborative effort with partner organizations in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark to build a network of young professionals interested and knowledgeable in a range of strategic affairs —including deterrence, nuclear weapons, and missile defense. This effort, which we have named the “Next Generation Initiative”, would include occasional conferences and workshops, where participants could interact with prominent international experts on strategic affairs, and various web-based information exchanges. As an example of the latter category of possibilities, FIIA is posting this short interview, conducted on July 18, 2018, with a former senior US Government official, Franklin Miller. Mr. Miller comments on the enduring need to understand the principles and dynamic mechanics of deterrence, as well as recent developments involving the Russian Federation, the United States, and North Korea. A summary of Mr. Miller’s career highlights is available at: uuteen ikkunaan
Interviewer Leo Michel is a Visiting Senior Fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs and a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council.