We are happy to announce that due to the success with attracting new external research funding, there will be new appointments in FIIA’s Global Security research programme (SEC) for a fixed one-year term as of September, 2021.
Dr. Mikael Wigell will work as Research Director during the period 15.9.2021-31.8.2022. Wigell leads three externally-funded projects: 1) The International Business Risk and Resilience Monitor for Strengthening National Economic Preparedness project is financed by the EU Commission. Its aim is to develop new analytical tools to map and manage geoeconomic risks affecting European companies; 2) The Nordic Security of Supply in the Age of Disruption project is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and analyzes Nordic cooperation within security of supply and crisis preparedness; 3) The Europe Facing Great-Power Competition project is financed by the Prime Minister’s Office and maps Finland’s risks and options in the accelerating US-China geoeconomic rivalry. In addition, Wigell manages FIIA’s research cooperation with Finland’s National Emergency Supply Agency.
Dr. Wigell’s substitute as SEC programme director will be Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) Katja Creutz for the period of 15.9.2021-31.8.2022.
Dr. Antto Vihma has been granted the title of Research Professor for a fixed term (one year). The decision was made after an external evaluation of Vihma’s scientific merits. Currently Vihma works as a principal investigator in TRANSCLIM project funded by the Academy of Finland. The project is co-led by Vihma and Harro van Asselt, Professor of Climate Law and Policy at the University of Eastern Finland. TRANSCLIM is a joint project by UEF Law School and the Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
The TRANSCLIM project offers a timely and novel analysis of the effects of transparency arrangements in global governance. Specifically, the project investigates the effects of reporting and review in the international climate change regime.
In addition, Dr. Romain Weikmans begins to work as Senior Research Fellow in FIIA in September. He focuses on the TRANSCLIM project for the next three years. Weikmans has specialized in international climate policy and climate finance. He has taught in SciencesPo, and has a track record of publishing in leading academic journals.