
New article by Veera Laine on Russian presidential discourse 2012–2019

5 November 2020

Research Fellow Veera Laine has authored a new peer-reviewed article titled ”New generation of victors: Narrating the nation in Russian presidential discourse 2012–2019.” 

In her article, Laine argues for a more nuanced understanding of nationalism in contemporary Russia by asking how exactly the state leadership has portrayed the Russian nation in 2012–2019. Analyzing presidential speeches in this period, the article traces three distinctive but closely interconnected narratives of “Russianness”: the narrative of the victorious nation; the narrative of the moral nation; and the narrative of the multinational but ethnically hierarchical nation.

The article was published in Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. More information from this link

Veera Laine
Former Postdoctoral Fellow