
New article co-authored by Marco Siddi explores the link between historical memory and foreign policy

11 November 2020

The peer-reviewed article co-authored by FIIA Senior Research Fellow Marco Siddi and researcher Lina Klymenko from the University of Tampere is titled ‘Exploring the Link between Historical Memory and Foreign Policy: an introduction’.

As noted in the abstract, the article sets the scene for the individual case studies by illustrating how memory and foreign policy are linked in a complex and reciprocal way. Several mechanisms of (ab)using historical memory in foreign policy discourses are identified, including the application of historical analogies, the construction of historical narratives, the creation of memory sites, the marginalisation and forgetting of the past and the securitisation of historical memory. The contributions to the special issue are introduced according to this conceptual frame. The article highlights how these mechanisms are deployed in different national and political contexts, as well as how a state’s politics of memory influences its foreign policy and relations with other states.

The article was published in the journal International Politics. Find more information from this link

Marco Siddi
Leading Researcher