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When the hegemony of “small state realism” was broken: Finnish foreign policy schools of thought at the beginning the post-Cold-War era

12 January 2018

A peer-reviewed article entitled “Kun pienvaltiorealismin hegemonia murtui: suomalaiset ulkopoliittiset koulukunnat kylmän sodan jälkeisen ajan alussa” (When the hegemony of “small state realism” was broken: Finnish foreign policy schools of thought at the beginning the post-Cold-War era) written by Visiting Research Fellow Matti Pesu has been published in Politiikka (4/2017, pages 280-297). “The study examines Finnish foreign policy at the beginning of the post-Cold War era – more specifically in 1989-1997.”, writes Matti Pesu in the abstract of the article. Article is in Finnish while abstract is in English. Article is not currently available online.


Matti Pesu
Senior Research Fellow