
The EU as a Security Community: citizens’ views and values

Matti Pesu, blue suit, red tie, glasses, dark brown short hair.
Matti Pesu
Senior Research Fellow
Anu Ruokamo
Senior Specialist
Juha Jokela
Programme Director
Tuomas Iso-Markku
Senior Research Fellow

The Finnish Institute of International Affairs conducted a research project entitled ”The EU as a Security Community: citizens’ views and values”. Part of the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities (VN-TEAS), the project ran until December 2018.

Over the last years, the European security situation has significantly worsened. Global and regional crises have hit Europe hard, calling for more vigorous EU-level measures. Consequently, the Union’s role in the field of security has grown in significance from the perspective of both member states and citizens. Research concerning the EU’s actorness and policies in the field of security, as well as member states’ security interests, has accumulated steadily. Yet the number of analyses focusing on public opinion and citizens’ values related to the EU as a security actor is more limited.

The aim of this project was therefore to study the views of citizens regarding the EU as a security community. The analysis has value for policy planning and public discussion concerning the EU’s development as a security actor.

The research project was led and coordinated by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. FIIA’s Research Fellows Tuomas Iso-Markku and Matti Pesu participated in this project. Several experts focusing on developments in selected member states also contributed to the work. Programme Director Juha Jokela led the project, and it was coordinated by Research Assistant Anu Ruokamo (

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